I'm an Infrastructure and Security Engineer.
I also do amateur radio things - but if you’re here, you probably already knew that.
I got my first glimpse into ham radio during my freshman year, when I participated in some events that my college’s ham radio club (W2SZ) was putting on for incoming freshman. After a day of fox hunting, antenna building, and listening to some ragchews over HF, I went back to the shack there somewhat regularly and managed to hitch a ride with the club’s president (at the time) (W1MAT) and the Mount Greylock Expeditionary Force for the ARRL September VHF Contest - I was fascinated. I wouldn’t get my license until six years later in 2021 (life gets busy), but I still definitely remember that experience.
If you’re interested about me in things outside ham radio, you can find that at my personal site.